Why Free? Why Free Methodist?
Historically, the Free Methodist Church was organized at Pekin, New York, August 23rd, 1860. The first bishop of the new church was Benjamin Titus (B.T.) Roberts. He was a champion for equal rights (especially for women), writer, publisher, Christian educator, and holiness preacher. The influence of his character and ministry continue today.
In 1860, the “free” in Free Methodist emphasized certain basic freedoms found in the scriptures:
Human freedom, upholding the right of every person to be free, denying the right of anyone to hold slaves.
Freedom and simplicity in worship
Free seats in church, so the poor will not be kept out or discriminated against.
Freedom and openness in relationships and loyalties so the truth may always be spoken freely (avoiding vows of secrecy).
Freedom of laypersons to be fully involved at all levels of decision making.
Freedom from worldliness and materialism in order to help the poor.
The biblical principles on which these freedoms are based are as important today as ever. We are “Methodists,” believing in a disciplined, simple lifestyle. Our witness to the world is through an enthusiastic and methodical following of Jesus.